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/ Software Vault: The SOFTWAREVAULT BBS 2 / The Software Vault BBS Collection 2 (American Databankers Corporation).ISO / cdr13 / foods503.zip

Jump To: Text (30)  |  Other (9)

Text (30)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
BAG Text File 116 5KB 1990-01-05
COLORCFG.DAT Text File 4 9b 1993-01-23
COMBO Text File 91 5KB 1990-01-05
COMBO02 Text File 28 1KB 1990-10-01
DEFINE Text File 222 11KB 1990-10-04
DIET Text File 43 1KB 1991-01-12
EATOUT Text File 99 4KB 1991-01-07
EXERCISE Text File 43 2KB 1990-10-02
EXTRA Text File 2 14b 1990-10-04
FOOD.HLP Text File 390 18KB 1990-01-05
GUIDE Text File 118 5KB 1991-01-07
HEADCFG.DAT Text File 13 598b 1990-10-02
INFO Text File 551 30KB 1993-01-26
LICENSE Text File 176 10KB 1993-01-26
MENU Text File 79 3KB 1991-01-07
NEWS Text File 53 2KB 1990-10-28
NOTES Text File 16 594b 1993-01-21
ORDERFRM Text File 107 4KB 1993-01-21
PATTERN Text File 3 9b 1990-01-05
PROLOG.ERR Text File 1,107 26KB 1990-08-16
README.1ST Text File 22 1KB 1993-01-26
RECIPE Text File 7 228b 1990-10-06
RECORD Text File 16 253b 1990-10-04
RECORD1 Text File 3 18b 1990-10-02
RUN-WKLO Text File 11 148b 1991-01-07
SHOPPING Text File 26 943b 1990-10-28
SOURCES Text File 32 972b 1990-09-29
STORE Text File 150 4KB 1991-01-12
UTILITY Text File 224 11KB 1991-01-15
VENDORS.TXT Text File 24 1KB 1993-01-26

Other Files (9)
EATWELL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 364KB 1992-12-17
ATT.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 6KB 1990-03-26
CGA.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 6KB 1990-03-26
EATWELL.PIF Microsoft Windows Program Information File 545b 1993-01-14
EGAVGA.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 5KB 1990-03-26
HERC.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 6KB 1990-03-26
IBM8514.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 5KB 1990-03-26
PC3270.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 6KB 1990-03-26
FOOD52.CFG Unknown 4KB 1993-01-26